Labor Rates – RV, Trailer, and Watercraft

Body: $135.00
Refinish: $135.00
Paint & Material: $50.00
Frame: $150.00
Mechanical & Electrical: $150.00

Labor Rates – Passenger Cars/Light Trucks

Body: $70.00
Refinish: $70.00
Paint & Material: $50.00
Unibody/Frame: $90.00
Unibody/Frame Set Up Charge: $180.00 (2 Hours @ $90.00)
Mechanical & Electrical: $150.00

Additional Cost

Tint & Color: 0.5 Hours @ Applicable Vehicle Rate Pus $20.00 Materials
Custom/Unidentified Color: 1.5 Hours @ Applicable Vehicle Rate
Flex/Shop Supplies: $5.00 Minimum
EPA (Hazardous Waste Disposal): $10.00
Rapid Match (Color Photo & Imaging Camera): $50.00
Tie Disposal Per Tire: $8.00
Recycled LKQ And Aftermarket Parts Markup: 35 Percent
Part Or Parts Disposal Fee: $50.00 Minimum
Battery Charge/Jump Fee: $125.00 Per Jump (If you know or suspect that your batteries are bad, let us know)
2 Wheel Alignment: $69.95 / 4 Wheel Alignment $89.95
Travel Time To And From Sublet Shop For Repairs: $70.00 Minimum
Storage Fee: ($45.00 Per Day For Cars And Light Trucks) ($75.00 Per Day for Oversize Vehicles)
Shipping Crate Disposal Fee: $50.00 Minimum
Extended Parts Search Fee: $70.00 Minimum


Payment in full is due upon completion of work. Payments can be paid by cash, insurance check, cashier’s check, personal check, and or approved credit card.

Storage fees are charged beginning 24 hours after work is completed and until said work is paid in full and the vehicle is released. Storage fee of $45.00 per day for passenger cars and light trucks. $75.00 per day for oversize vehicles.

Payment is the customers responsibility. If the customer is unsure of the status of the insurance payment; it is the customers responsibility to contact the insurance company for information about payment.